Ibiza Nomad Yoga

A journey from the inside out

about me image
For half of my live I’ve been struggling with a stressful job, stressful way of living, no time at all to feel connected with my feelings, with my emotions, with my body. I've worked in the Film industry.
I spent my days driving from a meeting to another, from a set to another, from one Country to another, listening to everybody, except me.
If I was tired I drunk a coffee and moved on.
One day I had a very bad motorbike accident and I broke my spine.
Due to what happened I had to change perspective: so I shifted my point of view from the outside to the inside.
I started to create a deep connection with my body and to calm my mind down.
Thanks to yoga and meditation I could gain strength and flexibility again, and I could start an incredible journey into a deeper awareness of who I am, and what I like to do, not depending from other people’s judgments.
I realized how powerful is the breathing and how we are not able to breath properly in our ordinary lives.
After decades of practicing different styles of Yoga, and meditations technics, I started my Yoga Teacher Training with Yogabody, an amazing Yoga College based in Barcelona.
And now I’m ready to make other people experience the power of Yoga and meditation all around the World.
Let’s start.
Feel connected with your roots and extend your spine till the sky.

Vinyasa Flow

'A yoga wheel is for absolutely everybody, from yoga pros to runners and crossfire athletes. That's because of its versatility and how it can aide us to stretch deeper and release tension in hard to access places. You can roll on it, lie on it, lay on it and breathe on it and it really helps to open your shoulders like no block can. Join me in one class, and have fun!

Yin Yang Yoga

Yin and yang, male and female, strong and weak, rigid and tender, heaven and earth, light and darkness, thunder and lightning, cold and warmth, good and evil...the interplay of opposite principles constitutes the universe. (Confucio) In this practice we’ll seek for balance, strength and flexibility holding the poses more, and stimulating the rejuvenation of our connective tissues

Hatha Flow Yoga

The word hatha actually means willful or forceful – and refers to a set of postures that are designed to align the skin, the muscles, and the bones. They are designed to open the many channels of the body – specifically the spine (referring to the sushsumna nadi) so that energy can flow more freely through the body.While the practice of hatha yoga is slower paced, it is by no means a gentle practice. Compared to subtler practices that were in use at the time (which may have been as early as the 12th century), the physical practices of hatha must have seemed forceful and hence, maybe the name.

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Morning Yoga

The way you start the morning can affect your whole day. Outside of a few rise-and-shine types, most of us don't consider it our favorite part of the day--especially if you stayed up late the night before working, worrying, or wondering. But if you learn how to start your morning right, you can reduce your stress and anxiety and significantly increase your chances of having a satisfying, productive day. Morning Yoga practice helps you to start your day! Stretch and strengthen! Bring energy to the body, gently awake your mind.

Restorative Yoga

Learning to relax in a hectic climate is not easy and many of us forget the art of relaxation, living in a state of perennial mental tension. Stress and anxiety initially manifest on our body with muscle tension (especially shoulders, neck, abdomen and back). Often, we live so disconnected from our body that we are not even aware of having such muscle tension. By creating a comfortable position and slowing down a flow of thoughts, restorative yoga stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, i.e. the nervous system that determines the response to relaxation by slowing the beats, the breath, decreasing blood pressure and relaxing the muscles.

Sunset Yoga

When the sun is setting, there is a magical feeling in the air, that of the light changing and another small cycle closing. For someone who is busy closing their own chapter (be it in work, love or something else), this is the perfect time to practice and remind yourself of the journey of letting go. From a practical perspective, temperatures also tend to be more consistent around sunset each day regardless of the time of year, offering you the perfect time to be out in nature, without worrying about summer heat or even the icy crisp of winter. Sunset Yoga has been a big part of our practice, and frankly, nothing beats a beach yoga class at this time.


Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality. (Thich Nhat Hanh) Thanks to different meditation technics we can experience a deeper connection to ourselves and we can achieve a better consciousness. Each class consists in 1 hour guided meditation.

Online Classes

In person (at your's or mine)

You can practice Hatha Yoga, in Sivananda Style, either if you are a beginner or a Yogi, travelling and visiting amazing places, and getting in touch with Berber people. Circuit 5 – Marrakech and Chegaga (the sea of sand), 7 days (1000 km A/R) March 24th - first day: Arrival at the airport and transfer to the riad. 18:30 Session of Yoga to Riad 20:00 Dinner 21:45 Meditation. March 25th - second day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 Departure from Marrakech, we will pass through the mountains of Tizi N'Tichka (High Atlas, 2600 meters of altitude) characterized by magnificent natural landscapes of mountains with its Berber villages. Along the step we will visit the Kasbah of Teoulet. Lunch in Ouarzazate and continuation to the Drâa valley to get to Agdez. We will visit the Kasbah of Tamnougalt, with accomodation in a traditional riad. 17:00 Meditation 18:30 Session of Yoga. 20:00 Dinner. March 26th - third day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 Departure from the Draa valley ( a track to the desert, an ancient road of caravans), we will pass to Zagora where we will spent the night after a traditional dinner. 6:30 Meditation 18.00 Yoga session 20.00 Dinner March 27th - fourth day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 Departure towards M'hamid, the gateway to the desert, we will pass Tamagroute where we will visit the Koranic library and the typical pottery cooperatives. In the afternoon we will continue by 4x4 to the desert of M'hamid. There wil be the possibility to visit a local association which works on behalf of the children and women of Sahara Desert (visit the website of the association http://desertnomades.altervista.org/). Overnight in a traditional nomads' campsite near the Kasbah Sidi Kalhil, an ancient Marabut. 17:00 Meditation 18:30 Session of Yoga. 20:00 Dinner. 21:45 Prayer before the fire in the dunes. March 28th - fifth day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 Departure by 4x4 from M'hamid to Chegaga, we will cross 60 km of track in the desert with different landscapes (desert of sand and stones, rivers), lunch in the “Holy oasis”, an ancient oasis with source of natural water, a resting place and watering of ancient caravans, considered sacred by the presence of an ancient Marabut. Sunset with a walk by camel among the dunes of Chegaga. Dinner and overnight in Chegaga in a nomad campsite, evening with traditional Sahrawi desert music. 16:00 Meditation 17:30 walk with camels at sunset 19:00 Yoga session 20:00 Dinner 21:45 evening Saharawi March 29th - sixth day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 after a traditional breakfast, we will cross by 4x4 the small dunes of Lac Iriqui - where we’ll have a meditation - and the black gravel plains, we will recover the asphalt road towards the village of Foum Zguid, to get to Taznakht where we will visit a cooperative of Berber carpets made by women of the surrounding villages. We will arrive at the Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou, a UNESCO heritage that has kept intact the architecture and the originating life rhythms. Dinner and overnight in riad. 17:30 Yoga session 20:00 Dinner March 30th - seventh day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast Visit to the Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou and return to Marrakech.Ulteriori informazioni

  • Data: 24/03/2016 18:42 - 30/03/2016 18:44
  • Posizione: Marrakech, Marocco (Mappa)

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