You can practice Hatha Yoga, in Sivananda Style, either if you are a beginner or a Yogi, travelling and visiting amazing places, and getting in touch with Berber people. Circuit 5 – Marrakech and Chegaga (the sea of sand), 7 days (1000 km A/R) March 24th - first day: Arrival at the airport and transfer to the riad. 18:30 Session of Yoga to Riad 20:00 Dinner 21:45 Meditation. March 25th - second day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 Departure from Marrakech, we will pass through the mountains of Tizi N'Tichka (High Atlas, 2600 meters of altitude) characterized by magnificent natural landscapes of mountains with its Berber villages. Along the step we will visit the Kasbah of Teoulet. Lunch in Ouarzazate and continuation to the Drâa valley to get to Agdez. We will visit the Kasbah of Tamnougalt, with accomodation in a traditional riad. 17:00 Meditation 18:30 Session of Yoga. 20:00 Dinner. March 26th - third day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 Departure from the Draa valley ( a track to the desert, an ancient road of caravans), we will pass to Zagora where we will spent the night after a traditional dinner. 6:30 Meditation 18.00 Yoga session 20.00 Dinner March 27th - fourth day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 Departure towards M'hamid, the gateway to the desert, we will pass Tamagroute where we will visit the Koranic library and the typical pottery cooperatives. In the afternoon we will continue by 4x4 to the desert of M'hamid. There wil be the possibility to visit a local association which works on behalf of the children and women of Sahara Desert (visit the website of the association Overnight in a traditional nomads' campsite near the Kasbah Sidi Kalhil, an ancient Marabut. 17:00 Meditation 18:30 Session of Yoga. 20:00 Dinner. 21:45 Prayer before the fire in the dunes. March 28th - fifth day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 Departure by 4x4 from M'hamid to Chegaga, we will cross 60 km of track in the desert with different landscapes (desert of sand and stones, rivers), lunch in the “Holy oasis”, an ancient oasis with source of natural water, a resting place and watering of ancient caravans, considered sacred by the presence of an ancient Marabut. Sunset with a walk by camel among the dunes of Chegaga. Dinner and overnight in Chegaga in a nomad campsite, evening with traditional Sahrawi desert music. 16:00 Meditation 17:30 walk with camels at sunset 19:00 Yoga session 20:00 Dinner 21:45 evening Saharawi March 29th - sixth day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast 9:45 after a traditional breakfast, we will cross by 4x4 the small dunes of Lac Iriqui - where we’ll have a meditation - and the black gravel plains, we will recover the asphalt road towards the village of Foum Zguid, to get to Taznakht where we will visit a cooperative of Berber carpets made by women of the surrounding villages. We will arrive at the Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou, a UNESCO heritage that has kept intact the architecture and the originating life rhythms. Dinner and overnight in riad. 17:30 Yoga session 20:00 Dinner March 30th - seventh day: 7:00 Session Yoga 8:30 Breakfast Visit to the Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou and return to Marrakech.

  • Data:24/03/2016 18:42 - 30/03/2016 18:44
  • Posizione Marrakech, Marocco (Mappa)

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